Hasan Elsayed

I have always loved learning about all types of things. I love filling a chalkboard with work to solve a difficult math problem, or meticulously executing a procedure to witness a fascinating lab result. The only thing that makes these moments better are when they are shared. I love the idea of learning and teaching with others for the rest of my life and constantly seeing young fascinated faces experiencing the wonders of math and science!

Hasan’s Story

Teaching Discipline


Why Physics

I have always loved the puzzles in math and the stunning discoveries of science through inquiry and experiment. I fell in love with the way that physics blends these two together!

Professional Experience

During his undergraduate program, Hasan was a learning assistant in general physics and sounds and physics classes. He did a practicum teaching in a sixth grade physical science class, a freshman AVID class, a geology class, a freshman physics class, and in a IB physics 2 class. Hasan did his student teaching position in high school biology and chemistry classes, which turned into a long term substitute teaching position, and last semester he taught algebra and geometry.

Hasan will start his first year of teaching at Centaurus High School in Lafayette, Colorado in the 2024-2025 school year.


In his free time, Hasan likes to stay active playing team sports, hiking, and climbing. He also has a passion for traveling, taking a month-long trip to Iceland, Italy, Austria, Germany, and Spain in the summer of 2024. When not outside or traveling, he enjoys reading fantasy and philosophy books.

Academic Background

  • University of Colorado at Boulder (Bachelor of Arts in Physics, and a teaching certification)