Using Technology to Assist and Improve ELLs Learning


Using Technology to Assist and Improve ELLs Learning

During her first year in the classroom, Knowles Teaching Fellow Kelly Wilson taught 36 students who were English Language Learners, including 19 who were classified as novice or intermediate English learners. Additionally, she taught three students with individualized education programs and one with a 504 plan—all needed support such as additional scaffolding, extended time for assignments, and frequent check-ins. To better serve both groups of students, Kelly requested funding from Knowles to purchase an Apple iPad Pro with a pencil for annotation, drawing and more, and several applications to support translation.

The iPad allowed her to pull up additional resources for students who were struggling to grasp a concept. It also allowed her to communicate with her ELL students in their native language. While she planned to use the iPad with all of these students, she found that it wasn’t feasible. Instead, she narrowed her scope to focus on six ELL students with the highest need. These students increased their average learning target scores by 5% or more when using the iPad. Similarly, the four students who required accommodations increased their average learning target scores by 5% or more when using the iPad. Moving forward, Kelly will look for ways to use the iPad with other students in her classes to better support their learning.