Karen Ge

I want my students to remember that their strengths and their community’s strengths will be the key to unlocking their dreams. I want them to remember: ‘you are a math person’, and that means you can accomplish anything you set your mind to.

Karen’s Story

Teaching Discipline


Why Mathematics

Mathematics is beautiful, creative, and playful, though many people don’t often get to experience it that way. For me, math shapes my perspective on the world, revealing the infinite wonder in everything—from the tiniest dewdrop to the coastline of Antarctica to the music of the planets. I hope to share a sense of that awe, discovery, and adventure with my students. Math is not only an incredible tool for understanding any phenomenon but also simply a joy to explore.

Professional Experience

Karen has over ten years of experience tutoring students of all ages, teaching various summer classes, and a Poetry Jam through Art of Problem Solving. As a Language Arts Curriculum developer, Karen has also worked with Art of Problem Solving. This allowed her to use her abilities in a different academic discipline that she loves just as much, English! She wrote a mystery to help students develop their evidence-hunting and argument-creating skills. Karen has spent one year as a student teacher at Bayside Academy in San Mateo.

Karen will start her first year teaching Mathematics at Viewpoint School in Los Angeles, California, in the 2024-2025 school year.


Outside the classroom, you can find Karen curling up with a good book, hanging out with friends, getting boba, jamming to music, playing ultimate frisbee, or playing the violin.

Academic Background

  • Stanford University (Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Bachelor of Science in Symbolic Systems)
  • Stanford University (M.A. Education)